Copper Witch Designs

OK…Let’s Talk About These Guys…

…Jump Rings…

Easy, right?  DIY Jewelry Making 101.  Hook charms/chains/clasps, etc. together with  jump rings.  But, when you’re starting out and don’t actually know how to open a jump ring, you’re likely to end up with something like this:

(Because you just pulled it apart, right?  I did…)

And then, after you try to close it back up, you’ll probably have something like this:

(Because you pushed it back together, hoping it would go back to it’s original shape…)

And, then you play with it a little…


But, you really know that it’s supposed to look like this:

So, let’s just take a minutes and talk about How to Properly Open and Close a Jump Ring.  (It really is easy!)

So, just click here for a quick tutorial


Here for a 20 second video

And, you’ll never ruin another jump ring again!

And, while you’re here, sign up for my mailing list to see more Beginner Basics and Project Tutorials

AND get 20% off your next purchase!

Let’s make stuff!

Want to make your own jewelry? But not sure how to open a jump ring properly? Check out this tutorial on how to open and close a jump ring (the right way), and make your own beautiful DIY jewelry now! #DIYjewelrytips #DIYjewelrytutorials #makejewelry #jumpringtips